
Our epilame EPISURF-NEO is used for the training of future watchmakers.

19 December 2022

Our epilame EPISURF-NEO is used for the training of future watchmakers. 

Our epilame EPISURF-NEO is now used by watchmaker students in their training at Lycée Professionnel Jean Jaurès in Rennes. 

We want to thank their watchmaking teacher, Gwenaelle Goasguen, for contacting us and sharing some beautiful pictures of her students concentrating on their meticulous work. 

We are delighted to participate, in a very modest way, to their training on epilamage, an essential step for the lubrification of watch movements. 

Surfactis Technologies provides the watch industry with high performance epilames. Always more watchmakers, manufacturers, and service centers in Switzerland and around the world are adopting EPISURF-NEO. EPISURF-NEO has become a reference epilame for the treatment of watch movement parts.